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The Johnny Mercer Foundation Family Music Days

Join us for free live family concerts and family gallery tours! Music concerts include interactive participation for children and are presented with an educational element. For more information on family programs at the museum please call the Education Department at 323-857-6512 (English & Spanish).


June 24, 2001


Spirit of America
Sample a taste of American music in a family concert presenting the diverse and multicultural sounds heard across the states. From Native American chants to the banjo and kazoo, learn about the history of music in America and make some music of your own! Join the family gallery tour of the museum's permanent collection highlighting American Art.
12:30 pm to 3:15 pm





Sunday, September 30

See the Music, Listen to the Art 
What would a painting sound like if you could play the colors like musical notes? Which instrument would the color purple be? What do you think the color orange sounds like? Join pianist Richard Grayson, master of improvisation and composition, for his enlightening and interactive performance. Stump him with your creative requests and be prepared to be blown away by his visual-electronic pieces written to be both seen and heard. Take the family gallery tour of Color, Myth and Music: Stanton Macdonald-Wright and hear color like you never did before.

Bing Theater
12:30 pm to 3:15 pm

Sunday, October 28

The Sounds of Japan 
Join us on the museum's main plaza for a day of Japanese music and art. This educational and interactive family concert will feature traditional instruments and music of Japan as well as more contemporary Western influenced pieces. Take a family gallery tour of the Japanese Pavilion to see art from Japan and take in some Japanese folktales for a full day of fun for families of all ages.

Times Mirror Central Court
12:30 pm to 3:15 pm

The Johnny Mercer Foundation Family Music Days are made possible through the generous contributions of The Johnny Mercer Foundation.
